i am currently on spring break, and there are only a few of us left who opted to stay here in Greystones. at first, i was terribly disappointed at the prospect of not being able to travel the world, exploring Rome or Paris or London or some exotic European country my heart has always longed to visit. however, that was simply not going to work unless hundreds of euros magically floated into my hands (which is highly unlikely, considering i live in the real world, not a fairytale, where i am a poor student, not an enchanting princess with woodland creatures that help make all my dreams come true).
i went into this weekend with dissapointment and apprehension, not wanting to merely waste my free time in coolnagreina (the ywca where i live). however, as the weekend continues i have quickly come to realize that maybe i needed to stay here in greystones to learn something: life is beautiful regardless of where we are placed and is not something to be rushed through.
it is very easy for me to look towards the future, looking forward to being reunited with people or coming home to my favorite places without truly appreciating the little moments i have been given here in Ireland. i may not be in Paris, but i am in Ireland. Ireland! the land of sheep and green rolling mountains and the glorious blue sea!
life is about little moments and i would like to learn to appreciate all of them, recognizing and appreciating beauty in all of its forms: in graffiti, in the ways people's eyes light up when they talk about what they love, in art, in the sea, in quaint vintage bookstores.
the more i am here, the more i am learning to appreciate the simplicity of life. there is something to be said for grand gestures or extravagant events, but there is also something to be said about the simple everyday joys. sometimes grand adventures are needed, but i also don't want to take for granted the little things.
below is my favorite spoken word poem: "If I should have a daughter" by Sarah Kay. it is absolutely breathtaking, so please be enchanted by its beauty.
my favorite line reads: "always apologize when you’ve done something wrong but don’t you ever apologize for the way your eyes refuse to stop shining."
darlings, please allow yourself to be wonderstruck by all the beauty this world has to offer.