Wednesday, April 10, 2013

love love love

i love love. i think it is absolutely beautiful and have always adored hearing stories of grand romantic gestures ever since i was a little girl.

yesterday we had the privilege of visiting kilmainham gaol, which is a former prison where many leaders of the Irish rebellion were imprisoned and executed during the early 1900s. the section in particular that caught my attention was the last letter exhibit that displayed letters from prisoners who wrote their last words to spouses, parents, and loved ones shortly before they were executed.

the story of Joseph and Grace Plunkett was particularly moving. shortly before Joseph was executed, the couple was given a 10 minute wedding ceremony directly before he was led to his death. 

the letter shown below was written to his beloved Grace asking for her hand in marriage.

it reads:
Darling Grace,
You will marry me and nobody else.  I have a damned fool and a blind imbecile but thank God I see...I love you and you only and will never love anyone else.
Your love,

precious and heartbreaking, isn't it? i hope that you appreciate this breathtaking expression of love, my dear ones.


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