Wednesday, September 4, 2013

new adventures

first of all, i apologize for neglecting to blog all summer. this summer was relaxing and provided me with a sense of peace, comfort, and the knowledge that i was exactly where i belonged.  however, while this was marvelous and much needed, blogging didn't really fit into my relaxing summer soaking up the natural beauty and creative fun small town indiana has to offer.  a computer screen didn't really appeal to me when i had the choice of watching the stars from my roof or taking walks as the sun set over corn fields. sorry, not sorry.

while this summer was lovely and filled with frozen yogurt, trips to the zoo, coffee dates, kittens, and laughter, it inevitably came to an end. this new chapter of junior year held long bike trips, a new position as the PA of my wing, and more strenuous classes. terrifying. absolutely terrifying.

i entered this semester expecting perfection from myself: expecting to be a perfect daughter, perfect sister, perfect friend, perfect girlfriend, perfect PA, and perfect student. i know, pretty ambitious. you would think i was super woman or something. i felt an insufferable amount of pressure that i alone had placed upon myself.  i quickly became overwhelmed and consumed by the scheduling and planning, instead of seeing this new semester as what it really is: an adventure.

sure this adventure has more stress and pressure than the adventures of my summer, but that doesn't discredit its potential. i want to expectantly look forward to this semester, both its difficulties and its adventures, appreciating life as it unfolds instead of missing out by rushing through it.

summer no longer would have been an adventure if it would have stretched on forever. it would have been relaxing and comfortable for a while but eventually it would have become predictable. life is much more meaningful when it is unexpected and forcing us to stretch and grow in new ways, even when that isn't always fun or easy.

life is made up of little moments, and this year i would like to learn to see my semester with new eyes, searching for the little moments that make life so meaningful and authentically beautiful.

peace and blessings, dear ones.


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