Sunday, February 17, 2013

castles and valentine's day

i would wish you a belated happy valentine’s day, but i think the hallmark holiday is quite depressing and unnecessary. just kidding…well not really, but i really do wish you a happy belated valentine’s day because i love all of you quite dearly.  and because elyse is fighting to redeem my opinions of the holiday, so i am forced to acknowledge it. 

this year i finally had the opportunity to flee the country to escape celebrating it. unfortunately it turns out it is a holiday celebrated worldwide. who knew? (well apparently everyone other than me, but that’s beside the point)  however, as shocking as this is for me, i actually loved valentine’s day this year. mainly because i spent it at the top of an ancient irish castle, overlooking the green hills of ireland with a vibrant rainbow lighting up the sky.  walking through this fairytale town, seeing ethereal forests and this enchanting castle only reaffirmed to me that fairies and unicorns are real. and they live in blarney. embrace the reality of magical creatures, darlings. 

in celebration of valentine’s day i will leave you with one of my favorite love poems, since i am an avid poetry lover and hopeless romantic at heart.

i think the beauty of poetry lies within the power of each word, the emotions it can evoke and the truth it can present with such eloquence. people are commonly encouraged to hide their feelings and keep it together (although if you ask me, denying your feeling is what will cause you to fall apart). in reality, i think we shouldn’t be afraid to feel things and feel them deeply. we so rarely say what we want to say or tell people how we feel or allow ourselves to be moved by the simplistic beauty around us. i challenge you to allow yourself to feel and to feel things deeply.

by Tyler Knott Gregson

I want to be for you what you never
let me be and I want you to be what
you’ve been afraid all your life
to become.
I want to kiss you, and kiss you again,
and kiss you so many times our lips
are raw and red and throbbing with overuse.
I want to hear your name said with
accents, so many new tongues all
across the silly globe we spin upon
and I want to know what mine sounds
like in yours when you say it through
fear, and elation and apprehension
and calm and the complete and total
cessation of worry.

I want you, you and only you for the
rest of me, me and always me.
I want you, to want me. now. 


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