Sunday, February 10, 2013

irish fairytales

this year is full of new adventures. i have never enjoyed change and it has always created an overwhelming sense of anxiety, but i am trying to learn that change means learning new lessons, finding beauty i previously didn't know existed, and gaining the ability to discover wonder in ways not possible before. It is peculiar to think how quickly our surroundings and circumstances can change, and how much we resent and refuse to accept them, never allowing ourselves to realize how exciting they can be.

i commonly sit and anticipate big life shattering changes, never taking time to realize the tiny details sometimes are just as significant. in fact, the small details are what can most fully mold us into who are are supposed to be.  i will be living in greystones, ireland for the next three and a half months (which is nothing short of a fairytale filled with the bluest blues and the greenest greens), but i still want to notice God's presence in the small details. in ireland they take their time not rushing through life, and similarly i want to learn to stop and appreciate every detail.

appreciate where God has placed you and look for the small blessings He has placed in your life. i can't wait to share my stories and joys with you, lads and lassies!


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