Saturday, March 9, 2013

chocolate crystals

hello lovely friends! i hope that your midwestern snow storm has subsided and you have not been buried underneath a mountain of snowflakes. this past weekend was quite cold and rainy in ireland, but thankfully no snow decided to fall. we spent the weekend in kilkenny, visiting castles and exploring deserted ruins. to avoid the rain we visited waterford crystal factory where we not only walked around the glittering paradise itself, but we also had a tour of the factory and saw artisans making the blown glass and crystal. (one man has worked there for 40 years. talked about dedication) it was beautiful and i have a whole new appreciation for everything sparkly and glittery.


we had some free time and got to explore little cafes and stores on friday. we went to this divine chocolate shop with hot chocolate made from a chocolate fountain. we were in love.


i also discovered my new favorite boutique. it was called peaches (naturally). and had sparkles and classy dresses everwhere. i melted. and fell in love. unfortunately, i could barely afford to breathe the air in there and thought my rain drenched self would be kicked out for stepping foot into such a classy place. se la vie.



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