Friday, March 22, 2013

hot mess

it can be downright exhausting to meet all the expectations society forces upon us. there are so many molds that we are expected to fit in and a long list of beauty requirements being thrown at us from every direction by different forms of media. we can never be skinny enough, have flawless enough skin......there is always a beauty product to fix us.

in fact, The Real Truth About Beauty study conducted by the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty found that only 4% of women around the world consider themselves beautiful. this breaks my heart. the world has warped us into thinking perfection is a certain ideal and that we must reach it to be truly beautiful and to have any hope at happiness and that just isn't true.  true beauty is not a physical attribute that must be sought after through plastic surgery, flawless skin, and unattainable bodies; true beauty is an essence that was instilled in every human being since birth when God Himself created all of us, as He handcrafted each individual to be exactly who they are.

today i had to walk across dublin in the freezing cold with high winds and piercing rain for several hours and in the process was soaked from head to toe. needless to say, our entire group looked like a hot mess. (emphasis most certainly not on the hot) we looked sad. and cold. and kind of like dogs that had just rolled around in a puddle. situations like this and having to deal with irish weather have taught me (more like forced me) into not caring about my physical appearance. if i want to look good here.....well too bad. because irish rain won't allow for it.

do you want to know the great thing? it doesn't matter. in fact, when i am not worrying about looking good or composed or classy, i am so much happier. i don't have to worry about anything other than being me. and loving life. and that is beautiful.

i don't want to worry about meeting the worlds expectations anymore. i end up exhausted and the harder i try the more unhappy i am. i want to be able to rock my ghetto sweatpants and no make-up, i want to dance like an awkward fool, i want to laugh till i cry.  i don't want to wait for people to aprove of my life, my appearance, and my behavior.  i want to live life and soak up every moment. i want to take a hold of this life and live it, regardless of the opinions of others.

embrace who you are. be crazy or awkward or silly or whoever it is you are, my dear.


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