Monday, March 4, 2013

glitter baby

i adore cats. with my whole heart. and my cat of 11 years died last week while i was out of the country. i am a terrible human for abandoning my 28 pound helplessly obsese cat at home to face his demise. (okay so he was the size of a small mountian lion, so he wasn't exactly helpless.)

because i am an odd individual, my friends and i held a mock funeral for this large feline. we celebrated his life in the way that seemed most appropriate: we tossed tea and glitter into the irish sea and pretended they were his ashes (no worries: we used the contents of multiple tea bags to accurately represent his large stature). may he party like the ke$ha loving party animal he was in kitten heaven. now before i get emotional, please appreciate this hilarious senior picture-esque photo of my cat, working it like a model for 11 years. what a diva.


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